Welcome to P2P!

Registrations for Early-2024 now closed
Check later for the next term's opening.
See our Class Dates for more details.

About P2P

Passion to Profession (P2P) is a grass-roots mentorship programme & community school which strengthens vocational & entrepreneurial pathways for students in their passions & creative industries.

Passions to careers

We provide industry-mentorship & entrepreneurial pathways for creatives, helping students turn their passions into professions.Our mission is to enable our P2P students to develop sustainable careers that are aligned with their goals & passions.

Pedagogy of the heart

Our teaching & learning style is hands-on, practical & based on modern 21st century appraoches.We take inspiration from critical pedagogy & flipped-classrooms.In the digital-age, we use these methodologies to promote accountability & agency for our learning.

Proven track-record

Throughout the last eight years of our operations, we've grown our reach from a local to national level, helping fellow communities in New Zealand beyond our main South Auckland HQ.We've shared many testimonies with our P2P students, alumini & respective partners, with our success leading to positive stories, including local and national media coverage.

The Team

As industry professionals, we hold space for our P2P tribe through the vā.We pride ourselves in our ability to connect with people through our friendly, down-to-earth approach towards teaching & learning.

Early-2024 Intakes

Registrations for Early-2024 are now closed.
Intakes Full
Next Inductions / Welcome Day:
Next Term Starting From:

Events & Press

In conjunction with the RepFM community network, Passion To Profession runs a wide range of events including school open days, community workshops, Mākete Māori days, live concerts & much more.

Southside Represent (2023)

Featured on Fresh (The Coconet TV)


We are friendly & approachable.
Feel free to contact us anytime via message or email.